Taxi fares 2023 – Online Booking
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]In each city, taxi fares can vary depending on several factors such as distance traveled, waiting time, type of vehicle, etc. To find out the taxi fares in your city for the year 2023, please refer to our fare table at the bottom of this page.[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]
Variation of the standard fare | Up to +4% | |
Standard Fare Components | ||
Initial fee | Up to €4.18 | |
Maximum price per kilometer | Up to 1,21€ | |
Minimum Fare | Up to 7,30€ | |
Additional Fees | ||
Non-Parisian Taxis | Per Passenger (starting from 5th passenger) | 3,00€ |
Luggage (per bulky item) | 2,00€ | |
Taxis in Lyon | Immediate Reservation | 2,00€ |
Advance Reservation | 4,00€ | |
Taxis in Nice | Immediate Reservation | 4,00€ |
Advance Reservation | 4,00€ | |
Taxis in Cannes and Antibes | Immediate Reservation | 3,00€ |
Advance Reservation | 3,00€ | |
Taxis in Toulouse | Reservation with pick-up inside the parking area | 3,00€ |
Reservation with pick-up outside the parking area | 7,00€ | |
Taxis in Paris | Immediate Reservation | 4,00€ |
Réservation à l'avance | 7,00€ | |
Per Passenger (starting from 5th passenger) | 4,50€ | |
Guadeloupe Taxis authorized to park at the airport and the Guadeloupe Grand Seaport | Per Passenger (starting from 5th passenger) | 3,00€ |
Pointe-à-Pitre Taxis | Per Passenger (starting from 5th passenger) | 3,00€ |
Paris Packages | Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle Airport to Paris rive-droite | 55,00€ |
Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle Airport to Paris rive-gauche | 62,00€ | |
Paris-Orly Airport to Paris rive-droite | 41,00€ | |
Paris-Orly Airport to Paris rive-gauche | 35,00€ | |
Nice, Cannes and Antibes Packages | Nice Côte d'Azur Airport to Cannes | 85,00€ |
Nice Côte d'Azur Airport to Monaco | 95,00€ | |
Nice Côte d'Azur Airport to Nice center | 32,00€ | |
Nice Côte d'Azur Airport to Cap d'Antibes | 72,00€ | |
Toulouse Packages | Toulouse Blagnac Airport to Toulouse zone 1 | 15 € |
Toulouse Blagnac Airport to Toulouse zone 2 | 25 € | |
Toulouse Blagnac Airport to Toulouse zone 3 | 35 € | |
Toulouse Blagnac Airport to Toulouse zone 4 | 45 € | |
Guadeloupe Packages | Pôle Caraïbes Airport to Bergevin Ferry Terminal | 25 € |
Pôle Caraïbes Airport to Guadeloupe Grand Seaport | 25 € | |
Pointe-à-Pitre Packages | Bergevin Ferry Terminal to Pôle Caraïbes Airport | 25 € |